Ok, so while I was inside blogging about the gopher, It was outside chewing on another tomatoe plant.
So I got the hose and decided to wash the little bugger out. It didn't work. The water kept going down. I had heard it wouldn't work, but I had to try. Also I was hoping it would at least bother gopher enough to send him some place else. I got out my shovel and started digging holes wherever a gopher hole was. The dogs even got in on the action. I made a mess and still I have a gopher.
I dug a trench around my tomatoe bed, I put shingles around them and buried them. Hoping it will turn the gopher in another direction. So far so good. But every day I go out and stick the hose down any new hole I find. This gopher has me insane. When we moved here I was so excited to plant a garden, the main reason was for fresh tomatoes. The thing I wanted the most is the one thing this beast has targeted.
That darn gopher...get him Katherine, get him :)
your dad said make raised beds with chicken wire bottoms to keep the gophers out. or get some gopher poisoned grain put it in the holes and cover it up, don't waste your water. this is so funny, that gopher really has you going. also there are gopher traps to get at hardware stores. you have to be smarter and more driven that he or she is. good luck your dad says.
haven't heard from you for awhile, did the gopher get you. we are thinking of stopping by your way the last week of july. will you be home? we are going to visit my son frank in santa fe.
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