We went camping a couple weeks ago. Nothing exciting happened. We thought we might get rained on, but no, the wheather held. It was so nice. The first night I thought I had made a mistake and would freeze to death before morning, but I survived. I am not sure what the allure of camping is. Maybe it's sleeping on something uncomfortable, be it the ground or an air mattress. Maybe it's the fact you can never get really clean. I forgot my hairbrush and spent the weekend with my hair in a bun to avoid the tangles. Maybe it's the smell of smoke that sticks to everything you take. Or maybe it's just getting away from TV's and computers, WII's and Playstations. To enjoy each other instead of all the distractions of our time. The food never tastes better than when cooked on an open fire. Smores, do I need to say more? In any case we had a great time. Willow Creek is beautiful. And "getting back to nature" is, for me, well worth all the discomforts.
glad to see you are enjoying the outdoors with family and a friend we didn't recognize. your kids are growing up fast. camping is a great environment to interact without modern distractions. be seeing you in a couple of weeks. take care, lin
Anya wants to go camping. Thor does not camp so maybe she will have to "camp" in the back yard. Love the pictures, very pretty.
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