So I have a small fenced in area in my back yard. I grow rocks there. I swear I am growing them. I have planted some vegetable there, but every time I water them, rocks grow. It's true. So anyway, there are some peas, onions, corn, strawberries, pumpkins, cantaloupes, watermelons, jelapenos, greenbeans, and tomatoes growing with the rocks. I had a thief in my garden two nights ago. A gopher. It came like a coward from beneath the ground and stold a whole tomatoe plant! It left only a hole where a plant should have been. Not even a lea
f was left. I may have to start sleeping in the garden to protect my tomatoes. I only had 4 plants.

Your plants look much better than mine. I should have planted sooner. Time for a gopher trap :)
sorry to hear of the gopher. your dad said get some golpher poison or a trap as they will just keep coming back to eat. makes you mad i'm sure after all the work to see it so easily destroyed. too bad we can't eat rocks.
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