1. I have only lived in 9 different states since my birth, and passed through or visisted 4 others. That means I only have 37 more states to visit, I don't plan on moving anymore. I want to see all 50 states. From there the world.
2. I follow directions. Completely. There is nothing that comes with instructions that I do not follow.
3. I like bananas, but HATE banana candy or pudding.
4. I am compulsive about finding things. Like this weekend, Breana couldn't find her school book, wasn't even sure if she brought it home, but I tore the house apart looking for it. I can't wait for her to come home today to see if she left it at school. If she didn't, heaven help this house.
5. I want a bigger garden next spring. With a real watering system, not a sprinkler.
6. I miss going to the gym. I loved running and sweating, and having sore muscles. At home I just can't find the motivation to do it:(
7. I am very frugal, dare I say cheap? But I will not buy generic peanut butter.
I don't know 7 people who blog on here, so here are the few I do know:
Sasha, I haven't been around you in a long time and want to know you better again.
Jamie, you were just a little girl when I last saw you, now you have kids of your own, so tell me about yourself.
Katie, my cousins wife who I know very little about.
So thats it.
thanks for participating in the tag...fun to get to know you better in this way even though we are related by marriage, we've never really talked much. a suggestion on exercising-take the kids you watch on an adventure hike outside once a day or make them your motivation for getting some exercise. Sure makes you feel better. Now that I've found out I have diabetes, I make sure to exercise daily. Have fun.
Hi! Thanks for tagging me! Your blog is so cute! I am going to play as soon as I think of 7 random facts about myself:)
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