Thursday, October 30, 2008

Things I've learned

While sitting in the freezing cold early yesterday morning I was thinking how much I hate to be cold and I have learned that I'd much rather be hot than cold at least until summer rolls around. Then I'd rather be cold than hot. Here are some other things I have learned over the years:

70 degrees in January is much warmer than 70 degrees in July.

You shouldn't honk at skunks when they are crossing the road.

Desitin comes off of fabric, like a couch for instants, with Dawn dish soap, applied full strength. Not hot soapy water, like one might assume, it must be applied full strength. By the way, it is really fun for a two year old to "paint" the couch with said Desitin.

Marshmallow can be roasted over an electric stove using a fork, but should first be removed from fork before putting in ones mouth. Burns on lips hurt!

Unrelated children, when spending enough time together, will begin to act like siblings.

Telling a four year old it's better to give than receive is useless.

Eggs will not cook on a sidewalk, even if it is 120 degrees outside. They will however attract a lot of ants, and are extremely hard to remove once they are sun dried onto concrete.

Please and thank you are not a foreign language and will be understood by everyone, and can be spoken by even the youngest of talkers.

Low temperature glue guns do work as well as hot glue guns, and don't burn.

It is important to remember when going for walks that as far as you have gone, is how far you must turn around and walk back.

Plastic reptiles and spiders MUST be put away every night before bed. Even plastic snakes will scared the good gollies out of me when walking around in the dark.

Children don't care if you sing the right words to a lullaby. They will sing the wrong words along with you.


Great Grandma Lin said...

hey, l like your new background and your blog on what you are learning from life. it's a real education. we are coming by your way again when we go to texas a week or so before thanksgiving. will let you know exactly when our plans gel.

aliannetee said...

Abigail got into my Vaseline. She cover herself from hair to toes. Maybe I should have tried straight Dawn on her :)