Sunday, May 17, 2009


This is our second summer here in New Mexico, and my second year planting a garden. This year I got seeds planted a lot early than last year and I am happy to say that within a few days I will have peas to eat! And this morning for breakfast I had spinach. I have been thinking of eating it for at least a week now. I thought a great big salad or steamed with dinner, but since I am the only one in the house who will actually eat it, I put off cutting it. Then this morning while I was watering I decided no more waiting. I cut a few leaves, steamed them and ate them for breakfast.
The rest of the garden is growing. Soon I will have lettuce, and if I am real lucky I will get to the 2 strawberries before the wildlife does. I planted zucchini this year, I am sure I will have more than I can eat. I thought it was a good idea to plant more seeds than I thought I needed plants, thinking that not all the seeds would come up. I planted 10 seeds and 9 became plants. I thought about pulling the smaller plants, but I can't seem to bring myself to killing something that I put so much effort into getting to grow. Thinning is not my strong point.
Anyway I had spinach for breakfast.


aliannetee said...

Take a picture..I wanna see :)

Great Grandma Lin said...

congrats, you must have got the gardening genes from your dad...he says you have to thin...zuchinni is powerful a few will do though I love them and also spinach-too bad we don't live closer.

Katherine said...

Lin-I'd mail you some if I thought it would make it!