The Tour of Gila is a bike race that has been going on annually in our little neck of the woods for 23 years now. This year it has found it's place on the map as Lance Armstrong has decided to race in it. Today's leg of the race flew by my house several time, 3 to be exact. Sarah is to say the very least, a fan. So last night she made me promise to take pictures and video. Here is the video. I took my 4 daycare boys out to the almost road to watch the race. It put a little excitement in our lives for the day. I wish they had been going slower so I could have gotten a better look. Anyway, here it is for Sarah.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
It has been very windy here, no big surprise, it is spring. The wind tossed my humming bird feeder around so much that half of the syrup ended up all over the porch, which brought it to the attention of the bees. Hundreds of bees! On my front porch. I couldn't even leave the house. But I did. And I sprayed the porch clean. Then gave those bees a nice shower. That only worked while it was spraying on them. I had to get the feeder down. I couldn't just leave it there to attract more bees. So I kept spraying the feeder while trying to take it down. It is hung up pretty high. If I were short I wouldn't be able to take it down. Anyway, I took a shower while trying to remove the feeder and keep the bees off me. They didn't want to share the food. So after I got it down I expected them to go away. No they kept hanging around. So I sprayed them some more. And got out my raid. Not such a good idea. They are not as easy to spray with raid as say any non flying creature. So I got stung. Did you know that bee stings itch after the pain goes away? They do. Just like a mosquito bite. More water. Finally they got the hint. I have moved the feeder. It not longer hangs were I can view my friends while sitting in my living room, but I can watch while laying in bed. Still would rather have it on the porch.
PS I am not very good at filming.
PS I am not very good at filming.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Their Back!!

Spring is here. Although this weekend we had a bit of a storm blow through. It was beautiful, but cold. There was thunder and lightning, very little moisture. Just the unmistakable desert rain smell that left everything feeling some how cleaner and more alive.
I have been under the belief that spring was here for a few weeks now only to have my mind changed by the cold that keeps creeping in. But now I know it is truely here. How do I know this? My humming birds are back! I thought I heard one buzzing by last week, but thought it must be my own desire for their return. Then yesterday Gabriel came running from the front of the house to let me know that he too had see our old friends. I mixed up a quart of sweet red liquid and hung it out on the front porch, their favorite place to eat. Now sooner had I hung it than someone was enjoying. As I sat on our cough last night, with the western sun shining through the window, I could see the little shadow of our summer friends. Not only is spring here, but summer is on it's way.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Quick stove update
My stove was fixed! No big problem. Just a jammed auger. A little elbow grease and some instructions from the manufactures, and good as new. It was actually fixed the next day. Good thing too, because it is still kind of chilly at night, early morning. I hate to get out of bed to start the stove to warm me up!

It had been far to long since I had seen my family all together before this weekend. But thanks to Lin we were able to surprise my Dad for a pre birthday gathering. And he was surprised! Yeah! I flew to Vegas where I met my sisters Sarah and Alica, who also flew in, then we rented a car ( thanks Alicia!) and drove to my Dad's house in St. George UT. So much fun to see the reaction on his face. Deborah joined us about a half hour later, as she was driving from her house in Spring City UT. I don't think one could have asked for a more perfect weekend. I miss my family so much. Time seems to be passing by faster with each year. Youth really is wasted on the young!
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