Monday, August 3, 2009

Home again

The kids and I made it safely home from Phoenix last night. We had a wonderful weekend with Arnold. Swimming, shopping, and eating out. I think it is much cheaper for him to come visit us than the other way around! They did need clothes for school, which unbelievably starts next week. I will have all three in school this year. Wow, is all I can say. Well I could probably say a lot more, but not tonight!
I took my placement test last Thursday, I did great on the reading and writing portion. My math was better than I thought it would be, but not good enough to get me into a college level algebra. I need to score a 40, I got a 38, bummer. The good news is that I can take that part of the test again, and I placed in the developmental math 102, not 101. I don't have to start at the very bottom. I think I will buy the book and just refresh what I once upon a time knew. I can't take the class on-line, which is all I am planning on doing for now. It is not a good idea to decide to go the college in July when classes start in August, all the classes that I need to take are full. So I will take what I can for now. I am sure my brain will appreciate easing into learning again, rather than trying to go full force all at once.


Great Grandma Lin said...

good for you. I think your sister Alicia had problems with algebra also and had to take it locally instead of at BYU. Your dad says that sounds good, he's pleased you are going back to school. An education is helpful in many ways, especially if you need to work someday. What's your major? or do you know...

aliannetee said...

I took my pre algebra math at Western...I had a great teacher, even better than the college algebra teacher. I don't remember a thing about algebra at all!!!