A little known fact about red ants: Some times a colony of them will grow wings and fly to a new spot to build a nest. The other day they decided to land on my roof. Thousands of them. They then will chew each others wings off and return to the red ants we are all use to. They ball up in clusters of serveral ants and roll around chewing at each other. My roof was covered, they then would roll off the roof and land all over the ground in my back and side yard. I got my trusty can of Raid and started to spray ants. I ran out and still the ants continued to roll off my roof.
Arnold got the ladder, which was to short to reach the roof, so he put it on a folding table we have in order to make the ladder just a little taller. He has a gallon of bug spray and is going to go spray the ants. I am looking at the ladder on this table and wondering if I am soon to be a widow. But as we walk around the house he is side tract by all the ants that have fallen on the side of the house. He starts spraying the ants and they don't die. This keeps him off the roof. Releif. The next step is the exterminator. He explains to us all about the migration of the ants and assures us we have no need to worry. He is right. By morning the ants have left. The bug spray did work a little, we have lots of little dead ants laying around the house. We also have the house sprayed outside, just in case.