I cannot recall ever owning a pair of "cowboy" boots. Give me flip flops and I am happy. My son does not follow in my foot steps. Somewhere around the age of 4, when he got his first pair of boots, he decided they were the only shoes for him. We have bought him "fast" shoes (tennis shoes that make you run faster), and hiking boots, and flip flops, and Converse, to name a few, but for Gabriel none hold the same comfort and ease as his trusty old boots. We have got him countless pairs now. As you can see he wears them out! We bought him a new pair some where around the first of April. This morning as his is putting them on to go to school he tells me the don't feel right. His left foot gives no problem, but the right just is wrong. I tell him to "just put them on, it's almost time to go!" He contiunes to insist that something is wrong. So finally I investigate. Sure enough he is right. The inside seam of the boot has come apart, leaving a flap to push against his heel and cause great discomfort. My quick solution to the problem, duct tape. Of course I cannot find any tape.
Two of my daycare mom's show up at about this time, one of which is ready to take the kids to school. Gabriel has no shoes on. He insists he can't wear the broken boots. The tears start to swell when I suggest he wear his fast shoes. He tries to wear the old worn out boots, way to small. We are heading for a melt down. It is 7:40 in the AM. I am not ready for melt down mode. I take a deep breath and beg him to just wear his fast shoes. His answer, "can't I just stay home?" I can't let him stay home over shoes, can I? Some where, from across the living room, his Converse are calling to me. Just remind him Dad bought these shoes for him. His dad is his favorite person. One last hope. Please! Success. Dad did buy them. We have to struggle a little to get them on, but they go on and he appears content. And out the door he goes.
One of my mom's, as fate would have it, is heading to the same store we bought the boots from today, she offers to take them back for exchange. Hopefully they will take them back with no receipt. The benefits of small town living. If they don't I may have to go tonight so tomorrow morning we don't have a repeat of this morning!
Nothing like a morning meltdown to set the tone for the day...
life is always full of unique challenges for moms of all ages...
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