Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Close encounter of the eight legged type

Why is there a spider on my arm? Not just any spider, but a tarantula. As the kids and I were coming in from our morning of play outside, they spotted it, and screamed. I had on gloves, been creating a new flower bed, so I picked up our little friend, just to show there was nothing to be afraid of. I must say, I myself was not sure enough to take off my gloves in order to test this idea. Our friend was not content to say on my hand, where else to go except up my arm. So of course I grabbed the camera to capture my calm/fear. It creeped me out just a little. I really hate most spiders. I am not sure why, but tarantulas aren't as scarey to me. He was kind of small.


Katie said...

ohmygosh. You are unbelievably brave! Just looking at the picture makes me sweat. I. hate. spiders.

Great Grandma Lin said...

well, I think I would have screamed and ran away. I hate spiders and especially tarantulas-don't they bite?

aliannetee said...

Bravo Katherine...I was trying to be brave once with a praying mantis..until he ran up my shirt and almost across my face....that did me in for picking up bugs!!!

Great Grandma Lin said...

please post something new. I hate seeing this spider every time I check your site...

Sarah Belle said...

LOL! I love it....