Spring is here. Although this weekend we had a bit of a storm blow through. It was beautiful, but cold. There was thunder and lightning, very little moisture. Just the unmistakable desert rain smell that left everything feeling some how cleaner and more alive.
I have been under the belief that spring was here for a few weeks now only to have my mind changed by the cold that keeps creeping in. But now I know it is truely here. How do I know this? My humming birds are back! I thought I heard one buzzing by last week, but thought it must be my own desire for their return. Then yesterday Gabriel came running from the front of the house to let me know that he too had see our old friends. I mixed up a quart of sweet red liquid and hung it out on the front porch, their favorite place to eat. Now sooner had I hung it than someone was enjoying. As I sat on our cough last night, with the western sun shining through the window, I could see the little shadow of our summer friends. Not only is spring here, but summer is on it's way.
how fun to feed and watch the birds...how's the garden doing?
Summer is on the way here...going to be in the 80's next week.
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