Two summers ago I planted four strawberry plants. They grew quickly and soon I had probably 10 plants. Last summer they took off and I had a mess of strawberry plants. In May I decided to thin them and make nice rows of plants for easier picking, when my bushels of strawberries started coming off. I soon discovered that I had many more plants than I had thought. I spent the afternoon digging and seperating plants. Keeping them alive by putting them in bukets of water. By the time one of my daycare parents arrived I had decided that I needed to share. So she took all that I had dug. That evening, my back hurt. The next day I continued to dig and separate plants, feeling like I never really did make any progress in my attempt to tame the strawberry patch. On that night I could barely move. Digging in the garden has always given me back pain, so I just decided to give the strawberry patch a rest for a few days until my pain was more manageable.
That was in May. In fact, after taking a small fall onto my back end, my pain got worse. Never before has my back taken so long to feel better. At the end of June, when I couldn't even sit down anymore, I finally went to the doctor. After trying pain meds and rest, I was sent for an MRI. Turns out I have some protruding disc down at the base of my spine and back. Three to be exact. My pain has lessened, thank goodness, but continues to hurt. Yesterday I went to a physical therapist. I will now be doing physical therapy two times a week, until my 20 insurance approved visits are over or until the pain stops. Which ever comes first. I am hopping the pain goes first.